SLAT Trust Can Provide Opportunities

Estate tax planning can become complicated when multiple parties are involved. For example, you may be concerned about providing assets to a surviving spouse of a second marriage, while also providing for your children from your first marriage. Of course, you also want to take advantage of favorable estate tax

2022-05-11T09:38:55-06:00May 11th, 2022|

Spousal Lifetime Access Trust Can Provide Financial Backup Plan

Some of the most effective estate planning strategies involve setting up irrevocable trusts. For a trust to be deemed irrevocable, you, the grantor, lose all incidents of ownership of the trust’s assets. In other words, you’re effectively removing those assets from your taxable estate. But what if you’re uncomfortable placing

2021-04-12T14:54:12-06:00June 2nd, 2020|

Consider a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust for Estate Planning

The most effective estate planning strategies often involve the use of irrevocable trusts. But what if you’re uncomfortable placing your assets beyond your control? What happens if your financial fortunes take a turn for the worse after you’ve irrevocably transferred a sizable portion of your wealth? If your marriage is

2021-04-12T14:56:23-06:00July 3rd, 2018|
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